To use specific version of ruby, I used to create file .ruby-version in my rails application. Which will execute when I go to root directory of my project using cd command.
Once I was having problem with RVM changing ruby version. When I do cd to root directory, RVM was taking time to change version and shows message like this :
Creating alias current for ruby-2.2.2....
Regenerating ruby-2.2.2 wrappers......
It takes around 3 seconds to finish which is very annoying stuff.
I found this issue is posted on github issue tracker . As per comments the command rvm repair wrappers should solve issue, but it did not.
Basically RVM is using hooks which are configured in ~/.rvm/hooks directory. We can customise it as we want.
So the solution resides in directory ~/.rvm/hooks. I removed after_cd hook and my issue was solved.
You can learn more about hooks from RVM website : and by looking at directory ~/.rvm/hooks
Hope that helps!!