Customize Devise Sing in and Sign up to respond in json

Devise is a popular gem in Rails world for authentication. It gives almost everything for authentication. I mostly use Devise for my most of Rails application.

Apart of all the features provided,.....

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How to ignore already added file in git

Gitignore is used to untrack files intentionally. It has specific pattern to describe which files to ignore. Good documentation regarding Gitignore has been given here : .....

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RVM shows message and takes time in Regenerating Ruby version Wrappers...

To use specific version of ruby, I used to create file .ruby-version in my rails application. Which will execute when I go to root directory of my project using cd command.

Once I was having.....

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Deploying ruby on rails application with Nginx + Passenger in few simple steps

Nginx is web server like Apache. Passenger is application server like Puma,Thin, Mongrel, Webrick.
Today We are going see different steps of installation of passenger module in Nginx because.....

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Handle DOM hidden element while using cucumber for testing

Cucumber is great tool for behaviour driven testing. Showing and hiding content using javascript or jquery or other client side library is common scenario.
I recently was implementing a feature.....

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