Host your Rails assets to Amazon S3 and CloudFront CDN

Few of Amazon AWS services are now hard requirement of any application. Out of all Amazon AWS services S3, CloudFront and EC2 are widely used services.

I am working on product since long time and.....

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Truncating html markup in Ruby on Rails

In almost all the projects, client now wants feature to add,update content of website dynamically from admin panel. I mostly use CKEditor as rich text editor. Using CKEditor user can generate.....

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Understanding of Decimal datatype in MySql

Decimal datatype is widely used datatype while working with finance related projects.
I used decimal datatype for one of my rails project and get trouble to insert value in field.

The Error was :.....

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Paperclip : undefined method 'attachment_definitions' in Rails

Paperclip is popular gem used in rails project to provide attachment feature in your model. It is very flexible and easy to use.

I mostly use paperclip for my project if I need to provide.....

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How to know that your machine hardware supports 64 bit OS

Once I was trying to install Docker for my project. I was looking at the documentation of docker and get to know that Docker is only works on 64 bit machine. I was running with Ubuntu 14.04 32.....

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